Local TV 4 Murphy N.C.
I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s. It was a different time. We rode in the back of pick up trucks, kept the yard dug up from playing ball with the neighbors kids, visited family and watched Walter Cronkite on TV. If you couldn’t trust the steady voice of Walter Cronkite, WHO COULD YOU TRUST? In 1969 dad yelled and said “Boys get in here, there’s history on TV”! It was the landing on the moon and man’s first steps there. Of course it was black and white but I remember the event because dad made a big deal out of it!
Today, things are different. Mainstream Media, or Legacy Media as some call it, seemingly CAN’T tell the truth! All outlets say exactly the same thing, they get their talking points from somewhere within the Socialist Party! I’m constantly amazed at what I see and hear. I never would have thought back in the 70’s that this would ever happen. We trusted the News for information. They were watchdogs and investigated events and situations as they should. On the radio we were awarded the sensible words of Paul Harvey, another steady and reliable fellow with a voice that would bend your ear to force you to listen. What he had to say would be the talk on the front porch of a family visit or barbecue get together.
The lies being told today on mainstream media outlets is so bad I can’t even watch them anymore. When they will lie to you knowing that you can prove them wrong is kind of scary. I’ve seen individuals do this but entire networks! So what’s happening? Socialism, Marxism, and Communism has infiltrated our once great Country. They are turning folks against each other and it’s sad to watch. Biblically we should expect things to wax worse. Jesus tells us so, we just didn’t expect it in our lifetime. Evil is abounding and growing stronger everyday, but many don’t even realize what’s happening. Satan knows his time is short and he intends to take as many as possible with him!
Bottom line………..look into EVERYTHING you see and hear on TV or Radio before drawing a conclusion. Here at Local TV 4 we will do our best to bring you the TRUTH. With media like it is today, I wonder what Walter or Paul would say? I’ve got a pretty good idea.