by Ralph Robinson-local tv 4
October the 4th and facebook is down, what IS the world to do? With the way this social app has been treating its users, one would think folks would be fed up with the lies, spying, and censoring that facebook has been doing. We shouldn’t even give them the time of day, however we’re addicted to the platform! The only way to push back against the politically driven site is to just quit using it. Yep, it’s that simple. The power they have is the power we give them. That’s it. We can take that power back anytime. Think “My Space”. It was once the frontrunner for social media, and now they are a thing of the past.
When apps get to big for their britches as my mother used to say, there is a remedy. Today’s facebook could tomorrow be in the same boat as My Space. It will happen. Many folks are getting fed up with what’s happening on facebook, twitter, google, you tube, and more!
So when we decide it’s enough, it will be enough. What did I say? When “WE” decide. Good luck facebook.